Take Necessary Steps

In recapping the past two episodes of “Secret of my Life”, I’ll like to point out that It is good to have the leading of God but even better to make bold declarations that will intimidate every negative thoughts and activities. Furthermore, I’ll like to add and emphasize that you must speak what you would like to see because every opposition will be intimidated the more you speak confidently.

On that note, I’ll like to welcome you to the third episode which can be likened to the icing on the cake. It focuses on Taking Action on those things that God has showed you and you have started speaking or telling people about. Like it’s popularly said, “talk is cheap”. It is not enough to just be excited about God’s plan for your life and tell people without actually taking steps to make sure that those plans become an actual reality. Please don’t be carried away with just speaking or praying and not taking necessary steps because you will be deceiving yourself.

James 1:22

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

I have learnt that God will test you before he can trust you. God will lead you when you allow Him and He will be pleased with your verbal affirmations but God will be disappointed that the special plans for a glorious destiny will be passed to another person once necessary actions are not taken. Think with me please, of what use is knowledge after you have submitted your exam script? If it has happened to you before, you will agree with me that it is very annoying. God’s leading remains constant but you need to learn to start taking steps which will show God that you trust Him to lead you.Please not that if God is leading you and you are not acting on it, it shows you don’t trust Him you might loose the frequency of His voice or leading.

Bishop David Abioye mentioned that a practical aspect of taking steps is going to price a land that you want to buy even if you know you don’t have the cash at that moment. Someone may say that is ambition or just day dreaming for a lazy person but for a serious person, it’s more of a goal or target that can be accomplished with time. I encourage you to plan strategies that will help you achieve the things that God has shown you and you have spoken about because if you don’t, people will mock you and even your God.

Habakkuk 2:2

…Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Think on this deeply please, for God to lead you it means that all you need to have a glorious destiny has be provided and already placed in you. All that is left is for you to take actions in actualisation of those hidden treasures in you. I heard someone say once that the wealthiest place in life is the mortuary because several talents and abilities have been buried without their manifestation.

Romans 8:19

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

This scripture says that God is waiting for the perfect time to show you off to the world. You will agree with me that no one shows off another that doesn’t have results to show. So, for God to proudly show you off and market your potentials, you must start producing results from the investments God has placed in you.

I have discovered that people love to speak about the blessings that God has promised but are weary of the action or steps God has mandated to enjoy those blessings. It is simple, before you can enjoy any fruit, there must be a time of planting and nurturing before harvest will shown. If you do the necessary things for success, you won’t have to pray or talk too much because your proofs will naturally speak for you and draw people to spread your news.

I saw a post few days ago about a renowned footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic. He is said to have an arrogant personality but his talent and results cannot be denied. His words always intimidates his opponents and they are always scared when they come up against him. He remarked in a post on him contacting COVID-19, “I tested negative to COVID yesterday and positive today, no symptoms what so ever. COVID had the courage to challenge me. Bad idea”. This statement made me smile because this is someone that knows who he is and is willing to make sure that a so called negative situation doesn’t catch him not doing anything to change it.

In conclusion, you will agree with me that talking too much without action will most times put you into trouble once you cannot deliver the things you have said. A glorious and enviable destiny is available but not easily accessible by all because plenty people will not labour. I have promised myself that I’ll continue to take steps till all that God has spoken about me becomes a reality.

Philippians 2:5

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

5 thoughts on “Take Necessary Steps”

  1. Wow!!!
    Thank you sweet Holy Ghost.
    This is so inspiring..
    I’m so so bless.
    I choose to continually take steps.
    Thank you so much Sir and more grace to continue this great work.

  2. Thank you Sir. This spoke to me. I choose to take neccessary steps going forward. Thank you for constantly yielding to the Holy Spirit. God bless you Sir.

  3. I just read this mail today and apparently it has been sitting in my mail box for days.
    This is such a confirmation to me! Clearly the instruction I received this morning.
    Thank you so much!

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