How to take Advantage of the Year 2022

Happy new year to you my wonderful friend. It’s been a few months that I shared with you my thoughts and life experiences. Last year was filled with various great turns of events for me and my family. I’m happy to begin this year with something that I think is critical that will ensure that 2022 will be better than 2021.

Let’s do a quick review of the year 2021. I went through Instagram yesterday and saw a few friends made a video reel of what the year 2021 looked like for them. I smiled after watching a few because it contained all fun moments regardless of the difficulty they may have experienced.

I have realised that taking time to recount achievements, gives motivation to try higher and more challenging tasks. Also, it opens your eyes to areas of improvement. I took time to document mine and realised that the low moments couldn’t even compare to all the high moments and things that came my way.

I have good news for you, the fact that you went through the year 2021, there is great potential for a better year in 2022. You might be saying “but I barely crossed over into 2022”. True but don’t be too quick to conclude about the year 2022 without even taking steps to conquer or even make it a memorable year. The fact that you are even alive to see a new year means that you have a great opportunity to grow up and overcome your circumstances.

Take stock of what happened last year. This involves the good and bad. You capture the bad so that you can learn from those areas you made mistakes or areas where you were simply not good enough. You will learn what to do better and the area that needs more planning, commitment and improvement. Be honest and tell yourself your areas of improvement because the realisation of same will actually motivate you to make improvements.

Don’t allow the year to start with regrets, sadness or even anger. A new year is another opportunity to start your quest to greatness again. If you didn’t hit your goal in 2021, it means your ideas, plans or strategy wasn’t good enough so I urge you to do more research that will ensure a solid foundation. If you didn’t hit your goal in 2021, it means you need to develop yourself more in new areas because several people hit their own target. Don’t blame them but seek to know what they did and try to do more this year. If you didn’t hit your goal in 2021, it means you need to change your thought pattern. You are praying for greatness but use your mouth to expect little or nothing at all. You cannot plan for the best and expect the worst. Your thought is the basis for your words which is reflected in your actions. If you didn’t hit your goal in 2021, it means you need to be confident in your abilities. This means giving yourself a fighting chance in any and every opportunity that comes your way. 

My lovely friend, in this year 2022, I will plan better than last year, study more, pray more and I won’t allow the regrets of last year to dictate the turn of events in this new year. Finally, I know you have heard or even read in several places that 2022 will actually be a unique year for you. All I want you to do is believe it, pray about it and position yourself so that every opportunity that comes will meet you ready at your best.

The year 2022 will definitely smile at you and the works of your hands.

9 thoughts on “How to take Advantage of the Year 2022”

  1. Amen ! Thank you so much

    This year 2022 I am Living ready for God moments /opportunities in my authentic self as a child of God. Owning my difference in a world where sameness is preferred.

    This year I will thrive on all strength gathered in 2021 so help me God

  2. Thank you for sharing!
    Taking stock, being intentional and positioning for success are key takeaways for me.

  3. “Your thought is the basis for your words which is reflected in your actions.”
    I am fired up by this.
    Thank you for this piece sir

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