Birth and Purpose

This talks about where you are born and the reason for your existence. Where you are born is not as important as why you exist. A good understanding and actualisation of the reason for your existence will make where you are born look like a palace and everyone will begin to research more about the place. While my masters program, I was the youngest and the only one from Nigeria, everyone had established perspectives of Nigeria and all but never mentioned. When we started having group conversations, one person that is way above my age and experience said “I like to be in your group because you always give smart points”. That immediately gave me and where I’m coming for pride. Secondly, a statistic done by them in UK showed that in 2050 Nigeria will be one of the top countries as a result of the active age range and countries like UK, US and the likes will be at the other end of the spectrum. I then had another guy from Germany in the group of his friends say “I didn’t know that Nigeria had good things”. With pride of where I’m from, i said “the news will show you what they want you to see”.

Birth can be described as the creation and existence of someone or something while Purpose ​is the reason behind the creation of a person or thing. Furthermore, it is also the function it is to perform.

Let’s think about it, Everyone has a birth day and even birth certificates but how many people have certifications from fulfilling the reason for their existence. Oh! Please pardon me, Before that, are you aware of the reason for your existence on earth? An answer to this question will let you know if you are on track of fulfilling the purpose of your existence.

Purpose talks about Gods wisdom for creating you. This is critical because I have heard a lot of person say “I don’t even know why I was born” some others take it a step further and say “I dunno why God made me come to this country and not that one”. These are fantastic questions but with the wrong perspective which is why in most cases, you never get a response to them by God. The secret about you is with the person that created you. Incase you are thinking of your parents, please bring your mind back because I’m not talking about them but God 🤪.

Genesis 1:26a
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:

You might also ask “How do I discover my purpose on earth?” ​Well! I don’t have the answer to that question, but I can lead you to where you can get answers to these questions – it comes through a deep relationship with God, the one that created you. He works out every phase of your life towards achieving the eventual purpose He ​has planned out for you. These days, people have been going about the discovery of the purpose on earth and have gotten frustrated which has led them to setting targets to make themselves feel fulfilled. Please don’t get me wrong or misunderstand me, no one wants to be a failure or a burden but doing it Gods way will make the achievement potent and even time enduring.

Proverbs 16:25
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Isaiah 48:21a
And they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts:
Psalm‬ 16:11‬ GNT‬‬‬‬
“You will show me the path that leads to life; your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure forever.”

God’s leading is always accurate so don’t let people help you decide what your purpose on earth is. Life is a journey and self discovery is the starting point that will give you directions and avoid counterfeit on the way. Myles Munroe of blessed memory said “when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.” My friend, don’t abuse this great gift of life, discover your purpose. Furthermore, Ibukun Awosika once stated that, ​“purpose is not necessarily one big magic thing you have to discover. Every stage in your life is all part of your purpose. You just need to ensure you’re doing your best at each stage because it is all part of the plan and preparing you for that purpose that you are searching for. It is all the steps in the journey and each step counts as much as the journey itself”

Do you think you were created to be like another person? Absolute no. If someone already exists and you are created, it’s because that person has some deficiencies and you have that special part that cannot be overlooked no matter how small. Don’t underrate and rob the world of your importance. Have you even had pain in your finger before? If you have, then you will know that is disorientates your proper functioning for that period.

Finally, your bad background should not be the reason why your back should be on the ground. Therefore, I urge you today to value your birth place and spend time locating Gods purpose for your existence. Spend time praying and maybe fasting to acquire deep insight on what Gods plan is for you. Don’t look for prayer warriors to see Gods plan for you.

Hebrews 4:16 ​“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace …”​

This scripture simply says you have access to an honest and constant communication with the one that created you. This should excite you every time and every day!

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