As glamorous as leadership seems, it comes with great responsibility

As glamorous as leadership seems, it comes with great responsibility.

Leadership is always exciting because of the glamour and prestige it brings but behind all that is some hard work and unique sacrifices.

Lemme let you in on some of my little secrets of leadership. A few years ago when I started my leadership journey while in my first year at the university, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me while in intense prayers and said “you are the spiritual head over your course, if anything happens and you don’t do anything about it, it’s your fault”.

I tried to ignore that instruction but when I prayed on other days, those exact words came to me strongly again and again. Then I knew I couldn’t run away for long, God was literally reminding me of His plans every single time. Not too long from that time, I was chosen to serve as the Spiritual Leader of my course.

Just like every leadership position, There were many lessons to learn from it as God literally took me on a journey of service and love. This journey needed my input which was sacrifice of my time, energy and resources.

It was a journey of constant spiritual discipline (Fasting, Praying, meditating on the word and so on) to know what God wanted me to say and how to say it to his people per time. I recall very vividly the feet washing instruction God gave me. Immediately, loads of questions like would they listen to me? What if they are not interested? What? Why? How? Flooded my mind. A friend and prayer partner encouraged me and said, if it’s God’s instruction, he will prove Himself. He also said we will tell the people what God said and if they agree, we will carry out the ordinance and if they don’t, we move to the next.

My friend guess what? There were many testimonies from healings to deliverances beginning from the following day to the glory of God. The strangest of them was one that God delivered from accident in which the car was a complete write off but he came out whole.

Hearing this testimony brought chills all over my body and I heard saliently my mandate as the Spiritual Head. Believe me I was scared and I began to ask myself what if we didn’t stand in the gap? what if that instruction was ignored? Till today I don’t have answers to those questions because when God looks for a man and there is none, He will do it by Himself.

Ezekiel 22:30
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

Finally, I heard God tell me once that anytime He gives me an instruction and I refuse to do it, He won’t be angry. He will just be disappointed because all that He had reserved specially for me will be missed and maybe passed on to another person.

From that whole experience I learnt that once God gives an instruction and you obey, He is always committed to doing the unimaginable. You obey, He Performs!

Mark 16:20 captures it perfectly;
the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following”
Once we obey and carry out our responsibilities as leaders, God will always confirm his word.

You might ask, how will I even hear God? That’s a valid question. My response is an intimate relationship with God. You can only hear secrets from people you share deep secrets with. The same with God. The closer you are to God, the more you will hear and get familiar with His voice.

2 thoughts on “As glamorous as leadership seems, it comes with great responsibility”

  1. The fear of what people will say/think has caused many of us to disobey God’s instructions. Thanks for this reminder of our responsibility to obey God whether we’re in leadership positions or not.
    More grace 🙏

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